Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Not quite "good-to-go"...

...but getting a lot better!  Thank you for all your prayers for health and strength the past couple of days!  I believe that I am finally going back to Cercadillo tomorrow (Thursday) morning.  I'm definitely not 100% yet so keep praying, but I'm somewhat functional now :)  I would especially appreciate your continued prayers since we will be out in Cercadillo the whole day with groups of kids, and so far the forecast is "hot" again!  (On a side-note, did I mention that Ina read that the DR is expected to be entering a "heat-wave" with temperatures up to 104 degrees and little rain until mid-September?  Man, do I pick the time to come :)  I want to be able to love the kids well without completely exhausting myself.  The Lord will provide the energy and the love!  Ina and Abbey went to the village today to begin our reading and English classes, but I stayed home for one more day and alternated between resting and being somewhat useful (laundry, hanging it out to dry, folding laundry, washing dishes, and laminating flashcards for teaching).  I'll write again soon after I finally do something worth writing about :)  Until then...keep praying!!!

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