Monday, June 29, 2009

Just a quick note!

So, not a whole lot has happened since I blogged on Friday night, but I thought I'd take a little time to share what I've been up to!  It will only take me a second because I haven't been up to much.  I've been home (well, Ina's home) the past two days with some crazy icky sinus stuff.  I could post a picture of me laying on my bed or the couch and that would pretty much sum it up :)  I am felling a bit better this evening, but would really appreciate your prayers for continued healing and renewed energy since going up the stairs has put me out of breath lately.  I think the symptoms seem worse than they are because temperatures in the house have topped 90 degrees the past few days even with the fans on (Thank you LLBean travel alarm clock with temperature gage).  Thanks for letting me whine a little :)  I'm trying to remind myself that my suffering is small in comparison to what it could be or what I'm called to when I say, "I want to be like Christ!"


Dayna said...

Jessica! I have loved getting caught up through your writing. I have been thinking of you today and praying for your energy and thought I would get on here and 'hear' of your time. I will ask God for your rest and for sweet health :) I love and miss you and will keep trusting you to Jesus! love, Dayna

Unknown said...

Hang in there friend! Satan may attack but he can't keep you down for long :) Just take the time to rest and focus on all God has and is doing!