Friday, June 12, 2009

We made it...our luggage did not...

...but I think that can be attributed to the fact that we had to high-tail it across the entire Miami International Airport in about 15 minutes (including waiting for a train :)!  As crazy as it sounds, that experience was a huge reminder that God is with us!  We got off our plane at about 4:35 on the C concourse and were told by the man who met us at the gate that our flight to Santo Domingo was in fact leaving out of a D gate at 6:30pm.  This was great news because our flight was supposed to have already taken off at 4:15.  We thought, "Phew!  We've got time to spare!".  I was a little suspicious because it didn't really seem like the man lined up his finger correctly as he moved across the page so I set out to find a monitor to check on our flight.  That's when I discovered that every monitor in the C concourse was either broken or displaying information from Wednesday, June 10th...not helpful!  But, putting our faith in the nice airport man we headed toward the D concourse just to make sure.  On the way, we came across a working monitor that said our flight was leaving at 4:38 out of Gate E-33.  It didn't say they were boarding so we thought we might have a chance.  For those of you who travel often, you know that panic automatically set in and the feet started hustling pulling a roll-along bag.  All along the way, we just kept praying, "God, delay this flight just enough to help us make it.  We've made it this far!"  And HE did!!!  We arrived out of breath at E-33 just as they were going to close the door and got waves to hurry from the attendent and a "Wow!  This is your lucky day!" from a baggage guy.  As you know, "luck" had nothing to do with it!  God is so good!  We were told to take any available seats and ended up in the very back, and we were on our way!  It's easy to see why our luggage didn't make it, but we did!  Hopefully, that will arrive this morning.  Ina met us after customs and treated us to pizza and ice cream before leaving the airport.  She also filled us in on the most recent happenings in Cercadillo, including 5 baptisms, an expanded business for the women, and new movie nights in the village with a projector, a sheet, and some homemade popcorn.  So fun!!!  Ina has given us the morning to rest up and wait for the luggage, and then we are off to La Sirena (Dominican version of Wal-Mart) this afternoon to shop for groceries.  A pretty easy first day!  Tomorrow we are going to Cercadillo to do an adult literacy class, and Sunday will be church for us in the morning and church in Cercadillo in the afternoon!  Monday is our Sabbath to sleep in and rest in the Lord.  I'll write more as our trip gets even more exciting and we get our hands dirty.  Hace mucho calor y humedo esta manana.  Dios es bueno!!!  p.s. I just spoke to a man on the phone and he said our luggage will be delivered this morning!  

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