Monday, June 15, 2009

Fantastic Weekend!

What a great few days!  For those of you wondering, our luggage did arrive on time on Friday (amazing), however several things were discovered missing (bummer).  Fortunately, none of the items were essential.  Now on to happier times :)  

On Saturday we went out to Cercadillo for the first time.  Ina and her good friend, Juanita, taught an adult literacy class while Abbey and I attempted to corral the kids so they wouldn't interrupt the class.  It was fun to see several of the kids I remembered from last year, and several of them remembered me.  I loved the first time I heard, "Yesica, Yesica!" from Ninola as we drove past her house!  Abbey and I tried to do some English activities with the kids, but they were a little too excited to sit for long so we ended up in the open field area turning a jump rope (actually, it was some kind of vine the kids were using as a jump rope) for the kids and counting in English and Spanish.  That was a lot of fun!  It's good to be back!

On Sunday we began our day at Ina's church in the downtown area of Santo Domingo.  I got to reunite with Mama Rosa, Maria Jose, and Claudia, three women I served with last summer 
who are committed to Ina's Sunday ministry in Cercadillo.  We enjoyed singing worship in Spanish again, even though sometimes it's hard to keep up, especially when the projector slides don't turn quickly enough.  That can be difficult in English :)  After church Abbey and I attended the Sunday school class for single adults and tried very hard to follow the lively discussion on the Feeding of the Five Thousand and the Beheading of John the Baptist.  It's always great to listen to a discussion on a familiar topic and try to pick out a few words.  It was a special Sunday because several Dominicans from the church's youth and young single adult groups came out to Cercadillo with us and played games with the kids and led the worship service. 
 It was fun to be able to just sit with the kids during the service.  It was also awesome to be reunited with 5 of the 6 women who were baptized by Ina's pastor last week!  They are the first believers in Cercadillo to profess their faith publicly through baptism!  What an encouragement to see fruit in Cercadillo!!!  Please pray that their faith will be strong in these early months and others will be drawn to Jesus because of their faith!  

Abbey and I have been able to see almost all of our Dominican friends from past summers already.  They keep dropping by in the evenings to say hello :)  For those of you who are familiar with some of them we have already seen Rafelina, Esteban, Arjenes and his wife Rosemeri, Noe, and Anyoli.  I apologize for any spelling mistakes :)  Esteban and Rafelina took us out Saturday night to his house for mango batidas (mi favorita) and ice cream at a fancy mall in the city called the Acropolis.  We are having tons of fun and enjoying a sabbath day today before a very busy week.  We are all healthy and feeling strong so far!  Please pray for peace for Ina as she has a ton of things to do this week, and pray that we will be a support and encouragement for her!
Here is a video of some singing in the Cercadillo church on Sunday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

PTL for friendships reunited. The bond of Christ is so amazing!!!