Monday, June 30, 2008

I finally made it to the beach...

So, it only took me three weeks to get there :) As a team, we decided we needed a day to rest on I hitched a ride in a taxi with the "Ocho Mujeres" to Boca Chica! I have been itching (not only from the mosquito bites) to get there. After our taxi arrived an hour-and-a-half late, we negotiated a price and were off! I had a lot of fun getting to know the women better on the rides to and from the beach. It was a bit rainy, but only rained a total of 5-10 minutes in the three hours we were there. Mom, I remembered to reapply sunscreen this no sunburn! By the way, there weren't any little naked boys there today (sorry...inside joke for those who have traveled here before :) This picture is of Abby and I together. Abby is a summer intern with TIME this year and traveled to the DR with my team the past two summers. It has been a lot of fun to connect with her again.

Friday was an awesome day in our village! Our morning began with a Bible study and health/hygiene class for the women. The ladies from Massachusetts brought enough health packets (including five toothbrushes, toothpaste, washcloths, Neosporin, and some band-aids for each women who attended the health class from start to finish). It was amazing because they brought 54 packets and 51 women attended. They were hungry for the information, and really attended to the Bible study! In the afternoon the ladies finished the sewing project they began on Thursday. They made little satchel bags. One of the parts of the vision the Lord has given to Ina is that there will be opportunities for economic advancement in Cercadillo. These bags are a start toward something that could eventually be sold to bring in money for the family. The women in this photo are so proud of their accomplishment, and it was my privilege to witness this moment!

On Friday afternoon, a group of middle-schoolers from Florida who are here with TIME came out and did an evangelistic program for the children and a recreation time with face painting, football (both American and "soccer"), bubbles, a ring toss game, and a colorful parachute for the little ones. The kids had so much fun! Several of them ran up to Ina and said, "Ina, Ina, these are the best games. This is so much fun!" The top picture is of Jose Agusto and I during the game session. He was having so much fun it was hard for me to catch him for this photo! Jose Agusto has grown on all of our hearts. The bottom photo is one of my favorite pictures of Vladimir with the perrito (puppy) on his cheek! He was so excited! We finished one of the most amazing days yet with Esteban's "famous" mango shakes! I watched him very carefully (and took photos :) so maybe I'll be able to recreate them when I need a DR fix in Iowa!

On Sunday we attended Ina's church in the colonial area, and I came across yet another beautiful "Una Via" (One Way) sign. Everytime I see one of these signs I am reminded that God created my life to one end, to glorify God and enjoy Him forever (thanks, Piper!). One of the ways I can do this is to share the love of Christ with everyone that God brings into my life. My prayer is that the people of Cercadillo will one day understand how much they are loved by God and seek Him! Ina's long-term vision is that Cercadillo will one day be transformed from a mission field to a mission force in the world! Awesome!

Please continue praying for our team. This team photo shows myself, Ben, Ina, Kristin, and Kasi from left to right. A few are experiencing some of the traveler's illness, and others just feel "funny". Please pray that our health will be restored to full strength and that we will rely on God's strength. We are continually reminded that God directs our paths! We need to be completely flexible and go where He leads us. Please also continue to pray for God's light to shine in the darkness of Cercadillo! He is doing amazing things and nearly everyday I hear Ina say "It's really happening! God's vision is happening!"


Kalee said...

Boca Chica! Oh how I miss you. It was great to see Abby in your picture. Tell her I said hi and that I miss seeing her at the video store. Send the gang my love and hugs! :) Miss you, friend.

Heather said...

I spent time praising God for His work in the DR this morning. I will cotinue to pray for you and your team! Hugs!