Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I have finally arrived...

...and only a day late! Praise the Lord! Yesterday I had a pretty uneventful day of travel (which is the best way to go if you ask me!) and made all of my scheduled flights. I even ran into two separate missions groups (one in Chicago and one in Miami) with shirts that implied they were going to the Dominican (they said "Go Missions to the Dominican Republic and Haiti: Summer 2008" so I took a risk :). It was fun to chat with them about their plans and my past experiences. When I got to the DR I quickly discovered, as did one-third of my plane, that my second piece of luggage didn't arrive from Miami. They assured me it will be delivered to Ina's house today. Praise the Lord, the one I did get has most of my clothes and important stuff in it. Ina was hosting a large party at her house at the time of my arrival so she hired a driver (don't worry, Mom, he has been used a lot to transport missions groups) to bring me from the airport to her house. I know little Spanish and he knew next to no English so we had a great "conversation". Lots of me saying, "Como se dice..." and lots of gesturing :) It was fun because I actually recognized things along the way to Ina's house. I've been here enough to recognize landmarks!

I met the three college students who are also staying with Ina during this time (Kristen, Kasi, and Ben) and they are going to be a lot of fun to serve with. They laugh pretty easily and have awesome hearts. I feel like I have luxury accommodations (minus AC) because I have my own room complete with queen-size bed, a huge ceiling fan, and some closet space. This is a little different from living completely out of a suitcase on a bottom bunk! Ina also recently installed screens on all her windows and doors so hopefully that will keep the sneaky mosquito attacks in the middle of the night to a minimum. Also nice to not have to wear bug spray to bed!

I was also blessed to learn that Ina has set aside every Wednesday as a Sabbath rest day since we do a lot of very active ministry on Sundays. So my first day here I get to relax, get acclimated, and spend some quiet time with the Lord. What a blessing! I might have to start this habit at home! Saturdays will be fun "Team Days"where we go the market for shopping, visit a tourist spot, or go the beach. During the remaining days we will be teaching reading in Spanish in the mornings and conversational English in the afternoons in Cercadillo. We will also be teaching some sewing classes (thanks to Steph for letting me practice!) and helping lead Sunday services in the village. The bathrooms in Cercadillo should hopefully be done this week :) I am also very excited that I will get to take a small group Spanish class with our team three mornings a week before we head to the village!

That's all for now! Thank you for your prayers, encouraging words, and for being part of this team!!!

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