Saturday, June 16, 2007

ministry opportunity at the beach...

So, another good morning working yesterday, and then we went to a new beach... where we soon met lots of children playing in the waves, some with clothes on, and some... without! The oldest was 9, and she was in charge - the youngest was 2! We all took turns playing with them - and Tim especially was great and patient with throwing them again and again, and got on his knees so they could climb on his back and jump off... we went for a bit of relaxation, and yet God provided us a way for us to interact with some Dominicans that was fun for all.

Last night, we had a neat time of praise and worship on the roof.

Today, we are continuing our work with the benches and some cement work. As we keep working, we are figuring out a system and the benches come together more quickly. We started to varnish them today too, with a 2nd coat for Monday and then we'll be able to present at least some of them to the church.

We have such an awesome team - I cannot say enough what a blessing it is to have the team we do - our personalities are complimentary, and we laugh a lot together, while we are also able to talk about "deep"stuff...

Gracias por orar (Thank you for praying!) It has been a problem to get pics on here, so when we return, we'll post a link where we'll post pics for you to enjoy: in the meantime, know that the people here are BEAUTIFUL and we are all content to be here! Thank you again for being part of our time here.

1 comment:

Milburn AP Lang said...

Thanks for the updates. You remain in my prayers. I know that God is working through you.