Friday, June 15, 2007

It's all good...

We make plans, and then are reminded that God is ultimately the schedule maker! I'd misunderstood our plans for Wednesday anyway, but we couldn't go to Cercadillo in the afternoon because it RAINED and RAINED and RAINED (and the roads become unusable), so plan B was to go to the market and a Dominican type Walmart and then to bed early. We had a good time of worship and fun with the team before catching those zzzz's tho'.

Yesterday we got up at 4:30 to start a 2 hour drive to Santiago, where we took down a chapel and rebuilt it about 100 yards away from it's original location (land problems, so it needed to be done...) Long, hot day... did I mention hot? But, praise God, we had no rain, and there was plenty of water, and a nice breeze to refresh us periodically. The people from the church there served us awesome fruit for a snack, and a great lunch, and it was a privilege to pray with them inside the chapel when we were done. God has been blessing their efforts in this community, to the point that they've outgrown the chapel they are in, and a group later this summer will help them with an addition.

Today, it is work in the morning, and the beach in the afternoon. I'm not sure about the evening activities. Tomorrow is work in the morning, and, God willing, we'll go to Cercadillo where we should be able to help deliver water and then play with the kids, and maybe have a type of service with them.

We are healthy with a few bug bites among us, and some scrapes, but nothing major. We've really been enjoying working and hanging with each other, and it is a huge praise for the team unity that we have.

Thank you for praying, and being part of our team!

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