Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cercadillo and the Sabbath

Yesterday, Saturday,we worked in the morning and had the opportunity to go visit and help a poor small community called Cercadillo in the afternoon. We played with the niños and niñas (boys and girls) and helped carry water from the well to peoples' homes. We had the chance to sing a song in Spanish and teach them the song (I've got the joy,joy, joy...) Kate shared her testimony and did a great job using words the kids could understand.

Today we got to sleep in and then there was church with the Domincans at 9:00. Afterwards, we got to hear one of the missionaries, Ina York, share about how God has given her a vision for helping Cercadillo. It's a pretty incredible dream and it's happening! Praise God for her heart and the people who are willing to use their resources (time, money, talents) to help.

This afternoon, we went to a church plant not too far from here and invited people to come by walking around the neighborhood and handing out tracts. One lady who is helping with the church showed us the area where there are a lot of drugs and alcohol problems; for 7 years she has had a street ministry with the kids there. We were again able to sing and Kate shared her testimony along with Melissa. Again, both were very good about using language that was clear and easily understood.

What a blessing this team is! We get along well, and can't believe the time has gone so fast. Tomorrow is our last day, and we will work in the morning, go to the beach and/or the colonial city , and then there is a special banquet for us at night. Please pray for our health as there are a few of us who are becoming acquainted with immodium... if you know what we mean... thank you! (thus far, it seems to be doing the trick...)

Tim and Hunter are co-authors with me tonight of our blog ... peace and blessings from the team.

1 comment:

Milburn AP Lang said...

I've been praying for those stomach problems.