Wednesday, April 18, 2007


April 21 - 30, 2007 The Spain Team will be leaving for Malaga Saturday, April 21. We will spend several days at the AVANT Guest House there. They have a few projects for us to complete - some painting and yard work for them.
Wednesday, April 18 we head to Priego de Cordoba to help with the Youth Worship Conference called Contra Corriente. Sunday, April 29, we head back to Malaga and fly home Sunday.

Team Members: Sue Holcomb, Karen Elgersma, Jane Krogmann,
Lisa Majors, Cindi Turner, and Sarah Webster

Prayer Requests: Safety while we travel (esp. driving the rental van - manual, of course!)
Attendance - This is a new area for the conference. It has always been
in the north part of Spain. Pray that many will come.
Impact - That hearts will be touched and lives changed.
We are praying that some of the young people who come looking
for a party Friday and Saturday,, may hear the music and come
to our event and find Jesus! (see note below)

We just had an email from the group we are working with. They write:
New prayer item: we just found out (every day is a new thing, we are finding the south culture to be such a different place!) we found out yesterday by chance that the town organizes and sponsers the ¨botellon¨ for young people. Botellon is getting your beer bottles, your coke mixed with wine, and kegs and doing what ever you do with that. So this is a SPONSERED event provided by the pueblo that they just put in affect 6 days ago, announcing to the town and surrounding area that the very park where we are camping at will be the official place for this gala event!!!!!!!
So won´t that be a lovely scene?? Now for an evangelist this is great!!!! For organizers of an event where we already have pastors who are suspicious of anything outside their four walls, this is not so great!!!! Personally I´m not so worried about the teenagers, I´m worried about the 20 year olds who think they can, just because they can. (europe is another culture with this subject)
We´ve talked with the police and they said last week, the first weekend for this to be available (friday and saturday), that it was a ¨flop¨ only 40 kids were there. 40 is better than 400 I suppose!!
We remind ourselves that it is God´s kingdom, not Contra Corriente´s. It doesn´t look good for Contra Corriente, but God is bigger, knew about this before we did or the pueblo we gotta trust Him. But wouldn´t it be great if it flopped, these kids would come to our thing and get saved!!

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