Friday, March 21, 2008

At the end of our week

We have had a wonderful week and we thank you all for having kept us in your prayers.    Today was our last day.  We worked in the morning building benches and in the afternoon we went downtown to shop and look around.  It was a pretty easy-going day to end the week with still getting work done and enjoying our last day.  For supper the church's youth group came and joined us again for a cook-out to hang out.  After our meal, we gathered around to share about our week, both the Americans and the Mexicans here.  It was neat to be joined together and sharing the blessings that we have experienced and sharing in our joy in seeing God at work here this week.  It was a good time, although hard to say good-bye.
We look forward to returning to our home and families in Iowa as we head out tomorrow morning on our plane at 7:00 and arrive around 5:00 in the evening.  Again, thank you for your prayers--we have truly seen the great results of your prayers in the blessings of this week.
To God be the glory!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

We have had some more good opportunities to work, minister, and enjoy the culture and time here.  Monday we went out to work on painting a church that has been built for the Otomi people.  It was great to be able to use it then later that evening in playing with the children and giving them a sunday school lesson.
Tuesday our plan was to go see the pyramids, but we had to switch that with another day as Mexico City only allows certain license plates to drive into the city on certain days and we had the two that were not allowed that day.  So we went to climb a "rock" instead which was pretty much a mountain.  We were tired by the end but it was worth it for the view.  Today (Wednesday) we then went to go see the pyramids outside of Mexico City.  We've practiced a skit or two that we will be presenting the next days.  Tomorrow we will be doing some more construction along with ministry.  
Thank you for praying for us and continue to pray that our work and ministry may not be thwarted, that we may be effective, that the hearts of the people to whom we minister may be stirred, and that we may work willingly with a cheerful and thankful spirit.

Monday, March 17, 2008

The Spring Break Team left Saturday, March 15th for Queretaro, Mexico. They arrived safely and will spend the week in outreach and construction working with TIME mission.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Safely in Queretaro

We've made it to Queretaro, Mexico safely.  There were no problems with the flight other than having to wait through our four-hour layover.  We got into Queretaro around 7:00 and went through customs quite fine with two people being checked, but no problems.
Today we were able to join a local church where the missionaries here go.  Everyone was practicing how to say their name with "mi nombre es..." and "soy..." as we knew we would be standing up to introduce ourselves.  I think the service got to be a little long for those not understanding, but I can tell you that it was a good service and I do think everyone enjoyed being a part of it.
Afterwards, the youth group came over to the missionaries' house where we're staying for some pizza before heading to a town outside of Queretaro called Salamanca.  There our team showed puppets with music and the youth group showed a compelling skit.  Afterwards we played with the little kids there.  It was a blessed time, and everyone enjoyed themselves, especially on the ride there and back conversing with the youth group with our best (and successful) effort.
Tomorrow we will be working with construction for much of the day.  Please continue to pray that we have the energy and the ability to work with a joyful heart in serving our Lord.

Thursday, March 06, 2008


March 15 through 22, 2008
A team of 8 will be traveling to Queretaro, Mexico, to work with TIME Ministries.
Team Members:
Maribeth Dykstra, Dylan Kent, Macee Block, Abbie Weber, Madison Lee, Ellen Lee
Team Leaders:
Karen Elgersma, Dan Weber

They will be working alongside the Cristo Salvo church to complete their sanctuary as well as reaching out to the Otomi - an indigenous people group living in the hills outside Quertaro.
Please keep them in your prayers.