Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Join us for RIPPLE -
volunteer opportunites the 3rd Saturday of every month 9:00 - 12:00

Need a ride - call Sue at 556-6742 or Sonya at 440-0595

coming up.....

APRIL - no RIPPLE scheduled

May 19 - Camp Sunnyside/EASTER SEALS, 401 NE 66th Ave, Des Moines
Exit 135 off I80 - helping with Respite Week End

Call the HIM office to sign up at 251-3776

Friday, July 21, 2006


Women's Team headed for SPAIN - April 21 - 30, 2007
We will be working with Jeff and Carolyn Anderson and the La Industria group on a 3 day Conferene in southern Spain called Contra Corriente. Three days of contemporary Christian music for youth - they expect about 1,000 to come and camp for the conference. We will be helping up with set-up, tear down, concessions and --anything we can do to help!

TIME Mission in the Dominican Republic June 11-19, 2007
Evangelism and Work Projects -

Call the HIM office for a brochure 251-3776

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Home Again

The team just called the HIM office (4 p.m.) They are in New York and will be heading home on the 6:00 flight arriving in DSM around 8:20 p.m. Sounds like they had a wonderful time serving in the DR!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Chapel day! Boo-yeah!

Yesterday was a 2:45 a.m. wake up to drive to near the Haitian border and put up a chapel. It was a HOT day, but we got 'er done, with no major injuries - just some bruises, scrapes, and blisters! The church there was so appreciative and fed us a typical Dominican meal afterwards. While it was good, I don't think any of us are anticipating chicken feet in our meals back home! =) The balloon makers were a big hit yesterday, as were the small toys we brought to give (gliders and mini beach balls). Kids swarmed for the balloons, and it was fun to see the teacher side in Heather and Jess come out (no cutting, stand in line...) We got back about 9:00 last night, so it was the longest day many of us have had in quite awhile! Our Dominican friends didn't forget Abbey's birthday, and made a cake - on her head - w/ water, flour, and egg (she should feel quite the native as that is a typical way for them to celebrate!) Thanks again for your prayers - the team that was put together has been one of the best I've worked with - we are all pretty laid-back,flexible, and did I mention low-maintenance? See you state-side Thursday night, God willing. Blessings!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The adventure continues...

Enjoying a coke break.

One panel down, lots to go...

Flexibility... that's the key, right? We didn't end up going back to Cercadillo b/c of rain, but had time to relax and practice our drama again... It rained BUCKETS! yet when we went to another part of the city to go to a Dominican type Walmart, it was dry there... today was church w/ the nationals, Sunday school with our two teams, and then we went to some caves this afternoon. Tonight we went to a park and did our drama. It went well, and there was a big crowd. We pray that the msge was clear and that people would seek as a result of the ministry tonight. Back to building the rest of the chapel tomorrow, and to Cercadillo, God willing, to do some cement work, play, and do the drama there as well. The other team has puppets that are very entertaining for the kids. Tuesday we will go to a place near the Haitian border to put up the chapel - up at 2:00 a.m. for the drive (about 4 hours) then construction and back that night... Pray for safe travels and all to go well as we build. Thank you again (muchas gracias) for your prayers! Good night...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The D.R. rocks!

We have had two great days of work, getting ready to put up a chapel on Tuesday in a village about 3.5 hours away, near the Haitian border... we build all the panels (sides,roof,etc) here and then construct it on site. We had a good time at the beach on Thursday afternoon, and yesterday got to go to a small village called Cercadillo to play with the kids there. Great intro, as we are going back today and bringing games and a message - we'll get to do our drama, and the other team has puppets. It has rained frequently here, which makes the humidity high, but the temperatures and breeze make it very pleasant. The Dominicans are SO friendly and fun - we are having a good time getting to know them and working with them. Praise God for the health and safety He has provided, and please keep praying for that, as well as giving us the heart and desire to serve and love the people with whom we are sharing. Thank you!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

We've arrived!

We are here! It was a long day, but we FINALLY arrived at 11:30 p.m., greeted by the smiling TIME staff at the airport. Today we are working on a portable chapel in the morning, and in the afternoon going to a market and a beach. ( I know, rough way to start, huh?) We have lots of different types of activities planned for us, with the ever present reminder to be flexible. Thank you all for your prayers! We will keep you posted as we continue this Dominican journey. Praise God with us that He is in control, that the delays yesterday were an interesting way for us to begin our “stretching” plan, and that we are making this investment in eternity.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Dominican Republic Team July 12-20,2006

The Dominican Republic team departs July 12 from Des Moines. They will be working with TIME Ministries. The team will be involved in work projects and evangelistic outreaches. Pray for: Sue Boyle, HIM Team Leader, Abbey Longstreet, Jessica Terpstra, Kate Arkema, Heather Robb, Tim Hammer and Hunter Holeman.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

RIPPLE - a local outreach in Des Moines

Each month we get together and help someone out here in Des Moines. We call it RIPPLE because our efforts continue to expand and touch more and more people. We have painted at Aliber Child Care, sorted the clothes closet at Lutheran Services of Iowa, cleaned at the Ronald McDonald House, taken the kids on a field trip to the Science Center with HOPE Ministries.....every month is something new. If you would like to join us, give us a call at the HIM office 515-251-3776